A collection of Latin American songs that have influenced her sound and personal history a journey through the Venezuelan plains to the Colombian Caribbean, with original songs included in the Submergible and Planet4 albums presented in a solo and electroacoustic performance with the cuatro llanero.
Colombo-Venezuelan artist, was born in Guayana, where the Orinoco and Caroní rivers meet, in the middle of a jungle and tropical landscape. Her music features influences from the Caribbean, with influences from champeta, cumbia, Calypso and Soca presented in a solo format with acoustic sound. Joy and Latin flavor and encourages dance and celebration.
Sol Okarina´s music has been heard at several national and international stages such as: Glastonbury Festival – in UK, Masala Fest in Hannover, Germany, Días Latinos in Netherlands, SouthBy South West – SXSW in Austin Texas. And the Latin Alternative Music Conference-LAMC in NYC, where her showcase obtained a Jon Pareles mention (NY Times
– MusicCritic). Sol Okarina also visited South America, performing in Ecuador, Montevideo and Punta del Este, Uruguay.
This year he has been part of the Colombian delegation at Womex Porto 2021. And she has been performing around Germany.
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Start des Stream ab 19:55, wir warten bis alle sitzen, 20:00 the show begins
Eine Spende für die Künstler ist wichtig, solidarisch und respektvoll …
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