Musiker in Kommunikation mit Walen
This March three musicians met in Hawaii to perform live with humpback whales. A classical pianist, a rock guitarist, and an interspecies clarinetist now bring their journey live to Berlin, in a unique performance that will combine video, whale song decoding, and live improvisation with the oceans’ most incredible song in an intimate setting.
Guitarist and explorer from the Netherlands Tristan Visser plays with the boundary between sound and music. He graduated as a Bachelor of Music on the Academy for Popular Culture in Leeuwarden. The relationship between humans and the sea is a recurring theme in his projects. In 2022 he sailed through the Northwest Passage in search of the song of the Bowhead Whale. This journey will be presented late 2023 in the documentary and debut album Arctic Mirage.
Italian-American pianist Elenora Pertz specializes in collaborating with classical singers, both on and off the stage. An active recitalist, she has performed in venues such as Wigmore Hall, Musée d’Orsay, and the Oxford Lieder Festival . She is a prize winner of numerous Lied competitions such and has recorded for B Records and Hännsler Classics. She is the artistic director of “Lied the Way e.V.” to connect and empower female art song pianists, and is on the voice faculty at the Universität der Künste where she also lectures on creativity and designing authentic career paths. Her recent experience in Maui has inspired her to further explore integrating non-human species and the natural world into the classical music scene.
ECM recording artist David Rothenberg works with the sounds of nature, live and in the studio. He has forty-four albums out under his own name, including „On the Cliffs of the Heart,“ named one of the top ten releases of 1995 by Jazziz magazine and “One Dark Night I Left My Silent House,” a duet album with pianist Marilyn Crispell, called “une petite miracle” by Le Monde. His latest book is Whale Music, and he also created the book and film Nightingales in Berlin, widely known in this town.
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