Eine eigene Mischung aus Jazz, Punk und Kaschemmenmusik.
Sängerin, Pianistin und Songwriterin Stephanie Nilles lebt seit 2010 in New Orleans.
Als Freigeist hat sie ein besonderes Gespür für abseitige Songs von Exponenten des frühen Blues und des Jazz von rotlichterloher Herkunft. Nilles schreibt Mörderballaden, in denen sie unumwunden Stellung bezieht, etwa zu fragwürdigen republikanischen Politikern, Waffengewalt und der Situation Geflüchteter an der mexikanischen Grenze. Ihr neuester Streich hat buchstäblich dramatische Dimensionen: Nilles siedelt die Tragödie „Othello“ von William Shakespeare im New Orleans nach Hurrikan Katrina an, und zwar als überaus facettenreiche Parabel über Korruption, Missgunst, Rassismus und Gentrifizierung. Einige dieser Songs wird sie erstmals in Berlin zum Besten geben.
Stephanie Nilles is a singer, pianist and songwriter living in New Orleans since 2010. There she found the right environment for her own mixture of jazz, punk and barrelhouse music.
As a free spirit, she has a special sense for ludicrous songs of exponents of early blues and jazz of red-light origin. Nilles writes murder ballads in which she frankly takes position, such as questionable republican politicians, armed force and the situation of refugees on the Mexican border. Her latest coup has literally dramatic dimensions: Nilles settles the tragedy „Othello“ by William Shakespeare in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina as a highly faceted parable about corruption, resentment, racism and gentrification. Nilles will perform some of these songs for the first time in Berlin.
As a free spirit, she has a special sense for ludicrous songs of exponents of early blues and jazz of red-light origin. Nilles writes murder ballads in which she frankly takes position, such as questionable republican politicians, armed force and the situation of refugees on the Mexican border. Her latest coup has literally dramatic dimensions: Nilles settles the tragedy „Othello“ by William Shakespeare in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina as a highly faceted parable about corruption, resentment, racism and gentrification. Nilles will perform some of these songs for the first time in Berlin.